If you are charged with a traffic offence we will defend your rights in court. Different offences require different processes we are giving a sample process assuming that the offence is a traffic ticket with a fine, commonly known as a Part I offence. Below is a guide of what our legal representatives do, when working for you:
- First we file the ticket with the court requesting a trial date.
- On receipt of the trial date we notify you of the court date. In most cases you will not have to attend court.
- We then order disclosure if required. (A disclosure consists of the police officers notes, and accident report if applicable plus any statements of witnesses or people involved).
- After review of the disclosure we determine the best course of action to defend this offence (always keeping the clients best interest first).
- We then brief the client on our findings.
- The client then decides how the case will proceed.
- The objective to always seek to have any charges withdrawn or dismissed.
- On the trial date, prior to the actual commencement of the trial we will confirm that the original certificate is filed with the court and ensure that there are no fatal flaws or errors on the certificate.
- If fatal errors or flaws are found on the certificate we can move to have the charges quashed.
- If the certificate is valid we seek out the officer(s) in charge and verify their evidence is complete.
- If applicable we will speak with other witnesses and or other police officers.
- If it is not possible or practical to have the charges withdrawn and the Crown's case is very strong we will engage the prosecution in resolution discussions.
- Depending on the severity of the charge we may conduct pre-trial discussions with the Crown.
- Everything revolves around the strength of the crowns case and determination is made to see if the Crown has a reasonable prospect of conviction.
- This is all relayed back to the client in an easy to understand format.
We defend you when charged with…
- Speeding
- Red Light
- Stop Sign
- Seat Belt
- Careless Driving
- Drive under Suspension
- Drive under Influence
- Follow Too Close
- Defective/Improper Equipment
- All Accident Cases
- Criminal Offences
- Dangerous Driving
- Racing
- Stunt Driving on a Highway
- All Other Traffic Violations